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Content of 2010 Chronicles

February, 2010
This issue is dedicated to the late Leslie Robert Williams – doyen of recording Settler (and other) families in the Easter Cape. Families named include: Glendinning, Currin, Harman, Pascoe and Cloete.
There is a list of charts drawn up by Les Williams. Two stories of Benjamin Patrick and Samuel Howard Edwards.

May, 2010
A history lesson as recorded in the 1912 edition of “The Story of a Settlement” by T Sheffield and Published by Grocott & Sherry. The Wait family in South Africa. Cecile Loubser's detailed research of her Ziervogel German ancestry. Finally there is the “in Memory of 1868” story by SG Amm.

August, 2010
The Smith and Pearson families had a significant influence on Port Elizabeth in the 19th century. The Smith family of Alexandria. Cecile Loubser concludes her story of the Ziervogel Family. The origin of the naming of Berry's Corner

November, 2010
A fascinating story of the Rajah of the Eastern Cape, Major-General John Pigott Nixon. Symptoms of Genealogist's Disease. A few notes on old photographs. George Impey and his family tree. The early Bowker Settlers with Miles and Anna Bowker's offspring.

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