Contents of 2011 Chronicles
February, 2011
This issue is dedicated to our German ancestry with stories of the Legionnaires recruitment, their new environment and ultimate recruitment for active duty in the Indian Mutiny. The life and times of Michael and Dorothea Peinke and their children. The story of the leader of the German legionnaire scheme, Baron von Stutterheim. Op ons Duitse voorouers se voetspore deur on lid Trudie Marais.
May, 2011
An in-depth account of the men behind our road infrastructure like; Sir Lowry Cole, Charles Michell, John Montague, Andrew Geddes Bain and his son Thomas Bain. Thomas Hartley, the founder of “The Pig & Whistle” in Bathurst, and his family tree. William Campbell recalls his Musical Memories in Grahamstown in the early 1900s.
August, 2011
We often think: “but what can I do?” Here are examples of the power of one: Richard Gush who faced an Xhosa impi alone (his family tree is included); William Wilberforce who assisted with the abolition of slavery; Captain Fairfax Moresby who assisted with the landing of the 1820 Settlers in Algoa Bay: Florence Nightingale, the so-named Lady of the Lamp; Capt Francis Evatt, Commandant of Fort Frederick. King James I who authorised the translation and publication of the Bible in 1611.
November, 2011
Further stories of the Power of One with stories of Dick King and his ride of fame (including his family tree); Florence Nightingale, not only nurse but also mathematician in analysing hospital patients; Emily Hobhouse, the campaigner of the atrocities of the Concentration Camps; Robert Baden Powell, the founder of the Boy Scout movement world wide.
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