Content of 2009 Chronicles
February, 2009
Strife and mutiny at sea on one Settler ship and the wrecking of another. A story on CJ Langenhoven, the author of one verse of our current National Anthem. Another story on Allister Miller, the WWI pilot and founder of Union Airways that was incorporated into SAA. Interesting stories on CHBFG Huntley of Grahamstown and Charles Butt of Kenton on Sea. The discovery of the structure of DNA is recorded. A Genealogist's journey of discovering his ancestor's grave.
May, 2009
The 1820 Settlers' first impression of Algoa Bay; their disembarkation and their ox-wagon travels to their new locations. The 150 year celebration of the Xhosa Bible. A feedback on the Gilfillan family and the story of the other half of the family. The story of Robert and Sarah Emslie.
August, 2009
The arrival of the 1820 Settlers at their locations and how they adapted themselves. The story of Colonel Jacob Glen Cuyler. Web Sites to research your Irish ancestry. Reminiscences of an 1820 descendant on her childhood in Grahamstown and seaside holidays. The story of Richard and Sarah Tee and their family. A story of the White Family.
November, 2009
A Tribute to the achievements of the 1820 British Settlers. The life of Sir Rufane Donkin and Doctors John and William Atherstone. An interesting story of Joe Bloggs and the “sub prime bonds” saga. Our member tells the story of her grandfather and father living in Port Elizabeth. Our chairman lists the descendants of the Bance/ Bence family. Two entrepreneurs: Samuel Bradshaw builder of Bradshaw's Mill and Captain van Dalen who salvaged the cargo off the Western Knight.
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