The Story of Oupa Fanie and Ouma Nelie

Ouma_Nellie_1Grandfather Fanie Venter was a widower with four children when he married my grandmother Nelie. She was a Du Toit girl. Grandfather's first wife, Johanna Alletta Cilliers, was one of the granddaughters of Sarel Cilliers. She was the daughter of Daniel Abraham Cilliers and Jacoba Johanna born Pretorius. Alletta died in September 1888 after which Oupa Fanie married grandmother Nelie. As a result of the marriage with Alletta a valuable piece of Africana ended up with the Venter family. This is a collapsible table that belonged to Sarel Cilliers that he took with him on his travels. Legend has it that the Covenant of 16 December 1838 before the Battle of Blood River on behalf of the South African people, was written at this table. The table is still in the family's possession.

Grandmother Nelie 's brother, Andrew Francois du Toit, apparently was a versatile man.At the invitation of his friend, President MW Pretorius, he moved to the Transvaal in 1856. He exchanged a portion of the farm Oupa_fanie_1Elandsfontein for a Basotho pony and named the farm Arcadia, that later became a suburb of Pretoria. Shortly after his settlement in Pretoria he was sworn in as magistrate. During his tenure he improved the sanitation of the town by ordering the digging of drains and water channels. He undertook the task of meassuring up  the already defined church square planning streets and access points to the square and measured it with a chain and ship's binoculars, the only instruments available. Du Toit Street, in Pretoria was named after him.

Blood Street connects with his son Jacob Stephanus du Toit. The story goes that Jacob went on a horseback trip down the street one night. There was dissent amongst farmers at that time and guards were posted at night time to keep the dissenters apart. During that particular day peace was concluded, but the guards were not told. When Jacob could not give the password, his horse was shot under him and killed. The blood made a big spot, and the street was subsequently called Blood Street.

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