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What is genealogy? The essence of genealogy

Each child has two biological parents, a father and a mother, and together they form a nucleus-family. These three persons and the relationships between them are fundamental genealogical constructs and they are universal, that is, they apply to every person / family in the world.
Beyond the fundamental biological constructs, genealogy also recognises other social relationships such as marriages and adoptions. It, for example, acknowledges family through marriage and same sex marriages.
In the framework of genealogy, everyone is alike and equal - genealogy is neutral regarding religion, culture, history, politics, race, ethnicity, etc. The opposite is true of the context within which an individual's genealogy manifests, and every person / family has a unique story to tell. Our stories are enriched by placing them in the relevant environment, whether cultural, historical, economic, and so on.
Genealogy, therefore, provides a robust framework (backbone). The principles and dynamics related to genealogy are relatively standard, simple and objective. The context, on the other hand, provides interpretation, colours the story and includes, for example, culture, history, religion, politics, economics, etc. Context can consist of several layers; it can be complex - it's typically personal, situational and subjective.