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Become a member
People from all walks of life, join the GGSA to share with fellow members, their interest in genealogy and family research.  Members range from aspirant genealogists to seasoned genealogists, with diverse interests in particular families, geographical areas, genetics, photography, etc.
Members join the organization to meet other genealogists, become part of the genealogical network, become familiar with genealogical resources, working methods and technology in short, to learn and grow.
Generally, every member determines their own focus and manages their own research.  What the GSSA offers is contact with kindred spirits sharing their passion for genealogy. Amongst the members of the GSSA you will find people keen to share their knowhow, understanding and insight, who can provide guidance and support; as well as offer exposure to technology and different ways to approach research. In some cases, newcomers have access to a buddy en more experienced members sometimes take on mentor roles.
Among the hundreds of GGSA members there is an invaluable source of knowledge and experience and a rare camaraderie.

 Tune in to genealogy and the GSSA's genealogical network.