Funeral Programmes Project
This collection of Funeral Letters is dedicated as a Tribute, Honouring the persons who made a significant difference to our lives.
The Funeral Letter project is a joint venture between the Genealogical Society of South Africa (GSSA) and the SAGenealogy mailing list with GSSA acting as host for the total collection of Funeral Letters. The collection of Funeral Letters was started in 2005 by the owners of SAGen and permission was granted for the total amount of Funeral Letters to be transferred from SAGen to GSSA's website for publication.
GSSA's approach to the project is as follows:
(1) When Funeral Letters are submitted for publication, GSSA automatically assumes that the contributor has obtained the necessary permission or consent from the families concerned and accepts no responsibility for this.
(2) Funeral Letters are only published after a year or more from the Date of Death. Any Funeral Letters sent to us prior to the 12-month period will be processed and placed on hold for the public until the period expires.
(3) Surnames with pre-fixes e.g. DE BEER, VAN DER MERWE are filed according to the main part of the surname e.g. BEER-DE, MERWE-VAN-DER etc.
If you have any questions, Funeral Letter contributions, or if you find an error that has been made please contact the project co-ordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
View the Funeral Letters Collection
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