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Gauteng North Branch - 2024 Programme

According to our annual program, branch meetings will take place at 13:00 for 13:30 at the Voortrekker Monument, Kruger Galary . It will be available via Zoom at the same time for members who want to join virtually. Further information on the talks and recordings is available under Presentations.
JAN  No Branch Meeting
 Give notice of Branck AGM and distribute nomination forms
FEB  Monthly Branch Meeting and Annual General Meeting
 Die Diep Afkoms van ‘n Afrikaner
 My voorouers van die hede tot die oorsprong van die mensdom
 André Buys  2024-02-10
MAR  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Program Spesifieke Opleiding en Algemene Lesings
 Oggend: Legacy, RootsMagic, MyHeritage
 Middag: Gen2Word, OneDrive, FamilySearch
APR  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Handgemaakte kant van Toeka tot Nou — Demonstrasie van 3 kantsoorte  Aletta Penning  2024-04-13
MAY  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Forty years of South African Genealogy — Reflections on the Past and the Future  Keith Meintjes  2024-05-11
JUN  Monthly Branch Meeting
 'n Kinderheld in die ABO  Sakkie du Plooy  2024-06-08
JUL  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Matlabas Families en omgewing  Manie Mountany  2024-07-13
AUG  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Life changing experience in the Vatican Library  Neels Coertse  2024-08-10
SEP  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Tangible Heritage Conservation  Maggi Loubser  2024-09-14
OCT  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Boekbespreking: Vyand van die Staat  Wilhelm Bernhardt  2024-10-12
NOV  Monthly Branch Meeting
 Oudtydse geheimenisse met moderne tegnologie onthul
 Die soektog na my stamvader se Duitse wortels: wanneer is ‘genoeg’ genoeg.
 Slaggate in die pad van Genealogie
 Annemarie Dreyer 
 Wilhelm Bernhardt
 Pieter Aucamp
DEC  No Branch Meeting    
2025 Northern Transvaal Branch / Gauteng North Branch - Programme
2024 Northern Transvaal Branch / Gauteng North Branch - Programme
2023 Northern Transvaal Branch / Gauteng North Branch - Programme
2022 Northern Transvaal Branch - Programme
2021 Northern Transvaal Branch - Programme
2020 Northern Transvaal Branch - Programme