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Northern Transvaal Branch - Allegaartjie 2021

The Allegaartjie meeting has become an annual institution of the Northern Transvaal branch, during which branch members present a variety of talks - usually something of everything. The Afrikaans word ‘Allegaartjie’ actually means that one accumulates, collects or combines different things to be jointly entertained by the variety.
Navigate to the presentation video, text or slide set. Each presentation is in the language of the topic. For a summary of each presentation, see below.
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 Alta Jamison
 A little luck on the road
 Alta Du Buisson Roux
 Om die spoor te vat
2022 Northern Transvaal Branch - Allegaartjie
2021 Northern Transvaal Branch - Allegaartjie
2020 Northern Transvaal Branch - Allegaartjie

A little luck on the road

Alta JamisonAlta Jamison, 13 November 2021
The talk was about unusual sources and Alta explained how the sources helped her find information. Sources such as Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) were discussed. Such an assessment appears in the form of a report that is available to the public. The genealogist can find information such as location and topography in the report. A report also contains an archaeological and historical impact studies (graves, buildings).
The archaeologist can search for the location of a farm, house or grave. She showed an example of a report on a farm in the Rustenburg area that contains much information as well as photos of a farmhouse and graves. The Tickey Draai EIMS example is available by clicking under Text.
In her search, Alta came across nuggets of information that enriched and complemented her research. She gave tips on what resources are available, such as and the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries and the Department of Mining and Energy.

Taking the Trail

Alta Du BuissonAlta Du Buisson Roux, 13 November 2021
Alta explained how archival resources can help one learn more about the life of an insignificant, very poor bywoner.
Alta's grandfather died when she was five years old and she knew nothing about her great-grandfather. How does one find out more?
She used the archives in Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Cape Town as well as death notices, cemeteries and baptismal registers. Her golden nugget was an old family photo album.
With her search she built an image of a man who, like many others at the time, had to farm even though he was not essentially a farmer. He wandered around a lot, went bankrupt, left the Riversdal area, appeared in various places in the Free State. One sees this when the baptismal registers are checked and it seems that he did not stay in one place for long.
Nine children were baptised in nine congregations in the OFS.
He ended up in Ermelo, was unpopular because he was pro-English and then went to live with his daughter in Schweizer-Reneke. In 1914 he died of acute bronchitis and thus ended the life of a poor, struggling bywoner.