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Archive tours - The importance of archives

Today, just as five thousand years ago, the effectiveness of archivists depends on their ability to identify, access, organise, store and administer records and information of lasting value - no easy task. However, it remains important, since they manage an important asset - in fact, a treasure trove for the future.
Archives house evidence of all-important events and records of both individuals and institutions - collectively the documented memory of our country. They tell our stories and help us understand who we are as a people and as a nation - our sense of identity. They support all aspects of education, science, health, culture, law and the historical environment. Archives help us to learn from the past and shed light on the future. 
However, archives only serve a purpose when used - and they are invaluable to genealogists. Archival records typically include all information about official records and transactions. It is these archival records that provide genealogists with data and information on how important decisions were made and implemented, and the impact they had. Archives contain some of the most important sources on family history, including church records, election records and voter lists, estate records, court proceedings, such as divorce and criminal cases, etc.