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Genealogy Newsletter Vol 28 Issue 1.2013


Genealogy Newsletter Vol 28 Issue 1.2013

In this newsletter there is an article on our visit to Mariannhill Monastery in December 2012.  A fascinating and interesting experience, and we saw a "Samarian" coin, dated as being from 300 BC!   There is Local News which features our Chairman, Dave Honour, and National News which talks about the closure of Ancestry24.  As usual there is a list of interesting websites, then an article on how to prune your family tree followed by hints and tips on how to get the best out of your research.  We close with a proposed list of topics for our monthly meetings,  and a rather "suspect" list of New Year's Resolutions!!

File Name: Genealogy Newsletter Vol 28 Issue 1.2013.pdf
Category: Durban & Coastal Newsletters
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Created Date: 07-08-2019
Last Updated Date: 19-07-2019