Content of 2014 Chronicles
The Scots have had a significant influence on the world in general and South Africa in particular. Articles on: Golf (Bobby Lock & Gary Player); Literary (Robbie Burns & Sir Walter Scott), Thomas Pringle and the Pringle Family; Steam Engineering (James Watt & George Stephenson) and the Railways in South Africa. Road and Civil Engineering (John McAdam & Thomas Telford) and our Colossus of Roads: Andrew Geddes Bain and his son Thomas Charles John Bain. Religion John Knox, George Thom and Andrew Murray and his sons and daughters. There is also a story on Dr John Philip and his son-in-law John Fairbairn. TV and Radio (Alexander Graham Bell) and our Edward Alfred Jennings.
We record the influence of the Huguenots on South Africa. To appreciate their long struggle they had to endure we look at the era in which they lived their daily life: From Kings, to Reformers, to Endurance, to their Future at the Cape. We carry stories on the families of: Francois Villion, Hercules du Preez, Charles Marais, Pierre Joubert and Francois du Toit.
Us South Africans: The Cowley family by Gavin Cowley; Our Portuguese Community by John Vieira; Albert Charles Isaac Wheeler by Cheryl Vermaak; The Gouws Family by Peter Gouws; Sir Rufane Donkin by Sarel de Wet; The making of the War Horse by Hilary Barnes and the Huguenot family of Barend Burger. Their first generations are listed.
Just over 100 years have passed since The Great War and we look at the circumstances leading up to the conflict. At our Les Williams Memorial Lecture Prof Otto Terblanche spoke on the Kohler Family. Our members, Rose Trehaeven and Liz Eshmade spoke at our October meeting on Thelma Kohler(Period clothing displayed at the NMMM Museum) and The Fishing Fleet (the girls who sailed to India to get husbands) respectively
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