Andre BuysAndre Buys, 13 May 2023
Vivian Oosthuizen’s Family Story as told by Vivian and members of her family. Animations by means of MyHeritage Deepstory artificial intelligence technology. Narratives from diaries, letters, memoirs and publications
André Buys helped Vivian to prepare the presentation with artificial intelligence technology.
Photos were manipulated and it looked as if the participants’ were telling their own stories. The presentation was supplemented by photographs of historical events such as the First World War and the Second World War.
This is the story of the gifted Lewinsky family and about life and growing up in Goldap, East Prussia that later became part of Poland. The story is told by, amongst others, Vivian's father and other relatives, Eric and Eva.This is the story of a Jewish family, who had to flee due to persecution and hardship and some of them went to South Africa, others to the USA and others went back to Germany. Some of them did not escape in time and died in concentration camps. After the war, Eric Lewinsky made a great contribution to the legal system in Germany. Eva, the sister, was active in the ISK, an anti-Nazi underground movement. She finally went to the USA where she approached prominent people like Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt for help for the persecuted Jews.
It is a story of courageous people that persevered and one is anew in awe of the invincible spirit of man.