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1e Familia BuitebladThe Familia is the Quarterly Journal of the Genealogical Society of South Africa. On the photo above, the first cover of the Familia published during 1965/66 can be seen. The Northern Transvaal Branch of the GSSA has since the early 2000 presented a yearly prize, available for the best article published during a particular year.
The criteria by which such an article must comply includes the following: 
  • Does the article deliver a significant contribution to Genealogy; is it new information?
  • Is the article professionally set up with good source references etc.?
  • Does it read easily; is the presentation interesting; engaging and a good balance between readability and academic correctness maintained?
The Panel's Comment: It's a good, well laid out article that reads well and is abundantly illustrated with photos and which contains new information about the family. The author's references refer to bibliographic requirements and the genealogical notations which is required by Familia. In addition to meeting all the criteria as required, it is one of the few articles that provide sources as far as criteria is concerned, research, namely, that genealogists can follow it up and check.
In 2019 the best article in Familia was awarded to Wilhelm Bernhardt for his article:   'n EKONOMIESE RAAMWERK VIR GENEALOGIESE NAVORSING
Een van die beoordelaars het die volgende te gehad: Die outeur slaag goed daarin om moderne navorsingspraktyke, nl genealogiese en historiese navorsing te gebruik deur die opstel van ‘n ekonomiese raamwerk en ‘n nuwe manier om ‘n geïntegreerde prentjie te veskaf van hoe jou voorouers geleef het. So ‘n benadering kan dan deel vorm van suiwer genealogie as deel van ‘n meer holistiese benadering. Die artikel dien as uitstekende voorbeeld vir ander genealoë hoe om soortgelyke navorsing aan te pak, is iets besonders en lees lekker. Tegnies, is dit egter nie ‘n suiwer genealogiese artikel nie maar die oorspronklikheid van die aanslag, maak dit dit nie vir my ‘n groot problem nie. Click here to download the article
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