Researching the Allwrights

I am pleased to make this genealogical work available to fellow descendants of Richard Walker Allwright as well as interested parties. My research is the result of many years (8 years) and hours of hard work.Download the article: Richard Walker Allwright or for more information contact me on Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.. It will be apparent to all readers that there are a lot of omissions and errors. Despite this, I hope that family members will point out the errors to me so that I can make corrections on my computer. I would like to add all the names that I have unintentionally omitted in order to have a more complete record of the Allwright Family. As I consider female descendants no less important than male descendants, I have included the female line as well.

Several years ago I got forwarded an e-mail from my first cousin once removed, Uncle Gordon Bold in Australia who was looking for someone to collect an etching of our 1820 Settler 5th Great Grandmother, Hannah Manchester on my maternal side from the Albany Museum in Grahamstown. This was so easy and my interest in my roots started. When I was younger I can remember my Father having a file with the Allwright Family tree. After his death I discovered the research done by Dr. Winston Allwright in the 1980's and decided to take his work and do some research of my own.

Although this is a record of the descendants of Richard Walker Allwright I have been able to trace his siblings or his parents in England, after 7 years. I have however not included their descendants in this work, but they are mentioned.

My research has meant visits to Archives, Masters Offices, various churches, the Cory Library in Grahamstown and members of family. It has proved to be very interesting and entertaining and have met and now know many family members who I would never have known. I wish I could have met more specially the ones living abroad.

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