
04 January 2023 2 images Share: , ,
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Carol Pittendrigh

2 Jan 2023 08h17

Dr Alan Pittendrigh has passed away peacefully at home after a short illness. A man who followed his many interests with total determination & passion, he became an acclaimed Doctor of Education through many years of part time studies. People in Vereeniging & surrounds may remember Alan & his wife Eddie who, together with close friends Bill & Gloria Nobile, worked from an office in Eventide, becoming well known in various associations involved with the rights & upliftment of the elderly. His passion for travel took him far & wide in South Africa, & extensive research into his family tree led to exploration of the Pittendrigh family origins in Scotland. After such a full & active journey through nearly 100 years, life became very frustrating when Alan's sight began failing. Watching his general weariness with daily inactivity and a changing world led to him say "this is enough", and I believe he is now in a far happier place . RIP Dad.


E-mail received from Carol Pittendrigh (dated 4 Jan 2023) Article in Vaalweekblad

Dr Alan (99) leaves behind a treasure trove of research

VEREENIGING. - Dr Alan Pittendrigh, who played a major role in establishing a national strategy for the training of artisans in South Africa, has passed away peacefully at his home in Unitaspark on 17 Dec 2022. His passing was preceded by a short illness.

Dr Pittendrigh was born on 10 Feb 1923 and has matriculated at Sea Point Boys High School in 1939 before serving a five year electrical apprenticeship at the Cape Town City Council. During the Second World War (1939 -1945) he was classified as a key man and hence was unable to join the army. He was a keen sportsman in his younger years and played rugby as scrum half mainly for his home club Hamiltons, as well as cricket, hockey, tennis and badminton. During this period he had studied and obtained four major qualifications in technology as well as three university degrees.

He entered the teaching profession in 1945 as an Instructor Electrician and taught at various tertiary institutions before taking up the position as Head of the Engineering Department and Deputy Director (Technology) at the Cape Technical College in 1957. He became Rector of the ML Sultan Technikon in 1962 and Principal of Technikon Natal from 1970 until his retirement in Apr 1983.

In his retirement years he conducted eight years of research for the SA Human Science Research Council (HSRC) as Chairman of the Committees tasked with investigations into a national strategy for the training of artisans. While in his 70’s he produced his thesis on Advanced Technical Education in South Africa, earning him a doctoral degree from the University of Natal.

Dr Pittendrigh and his late wife Eddy, who passed away in 2008, moved to Vereeniging in 1993 to be closer to their three adult children. Soon after this move Dr Pittendrigh became involved in the formation of a branch of the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners, became a founder member of the Vaal Seniors Club, the Vaal Elderly Forum, and the SA Confederation of Seniors Organizations. Through the years he served on no less than 34 boards, including the Sedibeng District Municipality's Audit Committee, the South African Council for Professional Engineers, and the advisory councils of various universities and technikons.

Until a few years ago he was treasurer for the Vaal Old Wheels Club and was also involved in freelance language editing for Ster and Vaalweekblad. He unfortunately had to give this up when his eyesight started to deteriorate. He, however, maintained a keen interest in sport, politics and enjoyed watching current affairs on TV until shortly before his passing.

He is survived by his daughter Carol, sons Brian and Donald, daughters-in-law and two grandchildren.

* Ster's sincere condolences to the Pittendrigh family. The Editorial department will remember him for his wealth of knowledge and also as a friend who actively worked towards enhancing the living conditions of his fellow man. He will be dearly missed.

