
07 February 2023 3 images Share: , ,
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From: Johan Krige []

Sent: Thursday, 02 February 2023 08:33



Being a member of GGSA for five decades [now more or less retired] I am approaching you for giving me a guide line how to operate successfully in my search on behalf of an unknown lady.

Attached you will find a picture of an informal burial ceremony on a public beach. 

I have tried many normal avenues to find her identity without success.

In one of my letters I wrote the following:

Ek herinner my dat jy beoog het om hierdie storie op jou Krige-groep te plaas.

* Soos jy op die aangehegte foto kan sien, is hierdie kissie met die assies van ene Susara Cornelia Krige [gebore op 17.04.1936 en gestorwe op 21.06.2021] netjies in ‘n sementlaag op die rotse ingebed en met allerlei voorwerpe van die omgewing versier. Iemand het bedoel om dit permanent daar te laat.

* Die kissie is op Schaap Eiland en dit is in ‘n publieke plek langs die kus. Die plaaslike owerheid dring daarop aan dat dit verwyder word. Ene Jan Krige wat op Ysterfontein woon, het daarvan te hore gekom en het toe probeer om die naasbestaandes op te spoor en hulle daaroor in te lig. Hy kon egter niemand vind nie en het toe vir JDK hieroor genader.

* JDK het dadelik al sy stelsels gefynkam en ook op Google gesoek – ook tevergeefs. Hy het toe aan ‘n paar Kriges van veral die Piketberg Tak hieroor geskryf, maar het tot dusver ook geen positiewe antwoord ontvang nie. Hy het intussen vir Jan gevra om te reël dat die kissie nie verwyder word nie totdat ons met ‘n alternatiewe plan na vore kan kom.

My intention is to place the ashes in our family Grafkelder at the Moederkerk in Stellenbosch.

I would like to do this with some identification of this Susara Krige. See two attached photos.

My question to you:

Is there a way how someone can search some archives or systems to find out more about this lady seeing that the dates when she was born [maiden name unknown] and when she had died are known?

A proposal would be highly appreciated!

Regards, Johan Krige


Die kissie is op schaap eiland gesit en is glo in ‘n publieke plek en moet verwyder word.


Alta Griffiths via

Attachments6 Feb 2023, 20:18 (19 hours ago)

to ggsabranchmanagement, eGGSA

Beste almal / Dear all

Ons soek dringend hulp. Kyk of julle die vrou se mense kan opspoor asb.

We need your expertise. Pls see if you can trace  Susara Krige's family.

A few of us looked but we need more eyes

Details below

It is on FB

Thank you, Alta Griffiths


Alta Griffiths via

10:59 (4 hours ago)

to eGGSA, GGSAbranchmanagement

Morning all

Family found. I spoke to the daughter early morning. She and Johan Krige will make contact, to resolve the matter.

Thank you, Alta Griffiths

Afronding Grafkelder
Afronding Grafkelder